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OCR: Click the mouse to continue Apple Computer Inc This project is based on the "Macintosh Cupertino CA Deve lopment& Languages Guidebook" Project Leader Steve Katz Project Advisors: Karl May Gary Little 2nd edition produced hu JointSolutions Project Coordinator Eliza Hibben Interface Aid: y6nH Dubberly. Ron Fernandez Marketing tor Apple with UB eXtra section Super Fresh: Corey vian, Scot Converse Steve Maller James Joaquir on HuperCard development tools Safire Software, Inc assembled by Eliza Hibben at Apple New AN 2 2 242. .6604 Safire Software Thc. pasn HyperCard 2.0 Project Leader Mark Safire Programmi ing: Jonathan Eiten, Ikar Kozak software produce this catalog Floating Screen Design: Michael Pinto Jonathan Eiten palettes were createo with the Palette XCMD Color Button XCMDS: Adam Leffer ...